Mary Jane Eimer Student Convention Scholarship

In recognition of her 45 years as ABCT’s Executive Director and honoring her commitment to supporting students, we are pleased to announce this call for applications for the Mary Jane Eimer Student Convention Scholarship. This scholarship is an endowed award that will be offered annually through the generous donations of ABCT past presidents and governance members who worked with Mary Jane.

There are 20 scholarships available to current ABCT student members. Each awardee will be given $100 in travel expenses and complimentary registration for the 2024 58th ABCT Annual Convention in Philadelphia November 14-17, 2024. Scholarships will be offered on the basis of financial need to students interested in attending the convention, regardless of whether they plan to present their work. These awards aim to reduce barriers to access to the convention, consistent with ABCT’s goal of increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and justice (DEIAJ). At least ten of these awards will be reserved for students identifying with groups historically underrepresented in our field (including, but not limited to, students who identify as people of color, LGBTQIA+, and/or disabled).

Click here to download the application.

To apply, complete the form by downloading it above or filling it out below and save as a file named “[student last name] Eimer Convention Scholarship.”

Email the form to Stephen Crane, Director of Education and Meeting Services, ABCT, at [email protected] in the subject line “ABCT Mary Jane Eimer Student Convention Scholarship.”

Submissions must be received by 5 pm EDT on Friday, September 6, 2024. Applicants will be updated on the status of their application by Friday, October 4. ABCT will honor the preregistration rates if you are not selected for the scholarship and still wish to attend the convention.

Mary Jane Eimer Student Convention Scholarship Application


Email Address:

Academic Affiliation:

Role (e.g., PhD student, post-baccalaureate trainee, undergraduate student):

Pronouns (optional):

1. Do you identify with one or more groups historically underrepresented in our field(s)? Including, but not limited to, identifying as a person of color, LGBTQIA+, and/or disabled. YES     NO
2. Describe the maximum funds available for conference expenses (e.g., convention registration, travel, lodging) for individuals in your role:  

a) University/College funds, max amount:

Time frame (select one):

Annually | Per conference | Total during education/role | Other (specify)


b) Department funds, max amount:

Time frame (select one):

Annually | Per conference | Total during education/role | Other (specify)


c) Mentor or fellowship funds, max amount:

Time frame (select one):

Annually | Per conference | Total during education/role | Other (specify)


3. List funds you have received (or anticipate receiving) for ABCT 2024:

a) University/College funds:

b) Department funds:

c) Mentor or fellowship funds:





4. Describe any unusual expenses related to the Convention (e.g., costly flights due to remote location) (50 words or less):

5. What do you hope to gain from attending the ABCT Annual Convention (200 words or less)?