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10th World Congress Abstract Submissions
Are you looking to expand your network in 2023? Are you eager to travel? Then why not attend and present at the 10th World Congress in Seoul, South Korea, June 1-4, 2023? Global leaders attend this congress and it is your opportunity to meet some of the biggest names in the field. Expand your network, research and practice opportunities, while experiencing a different culture.
There is still time to submit abstracts for Open Papers, Symposia, Half-Day In-Congress Workshops, Panel Debates, Clinical Round Tables and Posters, but the deadline is fast approaching: February 12, 2023.
The congress is hosted by the Korean Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Association and the Korean Clinical Psychology Association, members of the Asian Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy Association (ACBTA). We encourage you, your colleagues, and professional friends to attend this tri-annual event. It will be an educational and memorable event.
P.S. Why wait? Get involved now in the April 7, 2023 World CBT Day. Visit for details.