Do you ever feel like you want more from your life—but get scared or overwhelmed by the idea of making changes? For many, worry, fear, or negativity are stumbling blocks that can be extraordinarily difficult to overcome. This effective workbook provides a blueprint to help you move through painful emotions without being ruled by them. Vivid stories of others who have struggled with anxiety are accompanied by meditation and acceptance practices and step-by-step exercises that build self-knowledge and self-compassion (you can download and print additional copies of the worksheets as needed). Armed with a deeper understanding of what you really value, you can break free of the common traps that leave people feeling stuck—and dare to live the life you really want. Audio downloads of the mindfulness practices, narrated by the authors, are provided at
“This wonderfully no-nonsense book provides multiple ways to help free yourself from chronic worry and anxiety. Thoroughly grounded in science, yet engaging and easy to understand, this is an important roadmap for leading a happier and more fulfilling life.”
—Kristin Neff, PhD, author ofSelf-Compassion
“This book will help you move seamlessly along a path of personal transformation. The beauty of the authors' approach is that it combines mindful awareness with taking action to pursue what you value. For anyone seeking relief from worry, this is among the best guides I have seen.”
—Zindel V. Segal, PhD, coauthor ofThe Mindful Way through Depression
“Taking a step-by-step approach, this well-written workbook will help people struggling with anxiety and worry to get unstuck and start living again.”
—Steven C. Hayes, PhD, author ofGet Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
Dr. Orsillo, a graduate of the State University of New York, founded the Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Emotion Lab at Suffolk University as a place to conduct innovative translational research into new treatment paradigms. She has authored and edited several books,...
Read MoreLizabeth Roemer, PhD is Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she is actively involved in research and clinical training of doctoral students in clinical psychology. With her doctoral students, she explores the role of mindfulness, acceptance,...
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