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Understanding the ABCT Convention
Understanding the ABCT Convention
General Sessions
There are between 225 and 260 general sessions each year competing for your attention. An individual must LIMIT TO 6 the number of general session submissions in which he or she is a SPEAKER (including symposia, panel discussions, clinical round tables, and research spotlights). The term SPEAKER includes roles of chair, moderator, presenter, panelist, and discussant. Acceptances for any given speaker will be limited to 4. All general sessions are included with the registration fee. These events are all submitted through the ABCT submission system.
The deadline for these submissions is Friday, March 14, 2025 at 11:59 EDT.
Symposia consist of a group of empirical research presentations on etiology, mechanisms of change, prevention, treatment efficacy, treatment effectiveness, dissemination and implementation, among other topics. Symposia are either 60 or 90 minutes in length. They have one or two chairs, one discussant, and between three and five talks. The total number of speakers may not exceed 8.
**Symposia are strongly encouraged to include a full range of career levels and expertise. This policy is not intended to discourage junior researchers/faculty and graduate students to present, but rather to encourage the presence of senior researchers/faculty first-author presentations in conjunction with junior researchers/faculty and graduate student presentations.
Clinical Round Tables
Discussions (or debates) by a range of informed individuals (e.g., researchers, clinicians, community stakeholders, consumers, persons with lived experience of mental illness) on an important topic directly related to patient care, treatment, and/or the application/implementation of a treatment. Examples of topics for Clinical Round Tables include (but are not limited to): challenges/suggestions for treating a certain disorder or group of patients, application of a treatment protocol or type of treatment to a novel population, considerations in applying CBTs to marginalized communities and/or minority groups, discussions about the implementation/application of research findings into clinical/community settings.
Some topics may be appropriate for either Clinical Round Tables or Panel Discussions, and authors are invited to use their judgement in making this decision. Clinical Round Tables are organized by a moderator and include between three and six panelists with a range of experiences and attitudes. The total number of speakers may not exceed 7.
Panel Discussions
Discussions (or debates) by a range of informed individuals (e.g., researchers, clinicians, community stakeholders, consumers) on a current important topic that is conceptual in nature, rather than pertaining directly to clinical care. Examples of topics for panel discussions include (but are not limited to): supervision/training issues, ethical considerations in treatment or training, the use of technology in treatment, cultural considerations in the application of CBTs, among others.
Some topics may be appropriate for either Clinical Round Tables or Panel Discussions, and authors are invited to use their judgement in making this decision. These are organized by a moderator and include between three and five panelists with a range of experiences and attitudes. The total number of speakers may not exceed 7.
Spotlight Research Presentations
This format provides a forum to debut new findings considered to be groundbreaking or innovative for the field. A limited number of extended-format sessions consisting of a 45-minute research presentation and a 15-minute question-and-answer period allows for more in-depth presentation than is permitted by symposia or other formats.
Poster Sessions
One-on-one discussions between presenters, who display graphic representations of the results of their studies, and interested attendees. Because of the variety of interests and research areas of the ABCT attendees, between 1,200 and 1,400 posters are presented each year.
Individual Oral Paper Presentations
Members are encouraged to submit abstracts to present oral paper presentations that highlight their best work aligned with ABCT’s values and mission – promoting rigorous cognitive behavioral research and practice.
Individual paper presentations should be approximately 12 minutes each. Individual paper abstracts should be no more than 2800 characters. Presentations will be grouped together (7 abstracts) for sessions lasting 120 minutes.
One of the presenters being designated as the “chair” to help facilitate. The intention of this new format is to increase visibility of scientifically rigorous, impactful work, to increase likelihood for individuals to present their best work at ABCT, regardless of needing to find others to group together in a symposium.
Targeted and Special Programming
Targeted and special programming events are also included with the registration fee. These events are designed to address a range of scientific, clinical, and professional development topics. They also provide unique opportunities for networking.
Invited Addresses/Panels
Speakers well-established in their field, or who hold positions of particular importance, share their unique insights and knowledge.
Mini Workshops
Designed to address direct clinical care or training at a broad introductory level and are 90 minutes long.
Clinical Grand Rounds
Experienced clinicians give simulated live demonstrations of therapy. Clients may be portrayed by graduate students working with the presenter or specializing in the problem area to be treated.
Advanced Clinician Seminar Series
A new clinical format designed specifically for advanced clinicians seeking content and consultation commensurate with their level of expertise. The program offers seminars featuring an expert clinician and moderator who will offer consultation, case conceptualization, and treatment planning on your most complex cases. Attendees will be expected to self-identify as advanced clinicians, bring structured case presentations for possible discussion, and fully participate in a seminar-style discussion.
Membership Panel Discussion
Organized by representatives of the Membership Committees, these events generally emphasize training or career development.
Research Facilitation Sessions
Organized by members of the Research Facilitation Committee, these events aim to highlight research resources for those who study or practice behavioral and cognitive principles.
Special Sessions
These events are designed to provide useful information regarding professional rather than scientific issues. For more than 20 years, the Internship and Postdoctoral Overviews have helped attendees find their educational path. Other special sessions often include expert panels on getting into graduate school, career development, information on grant applications, and a meeting of the Directors of Clinical Training.
Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings
More than 40 SIGs meet each year to accomplish business (such as electing officers), renew relationships, and often offer presentations. SIG talks are not peer-reviewed by the Association.
Research and Professional Development
Provides opportunities for attendees to learn from experts about the development of a range of research and professional skills, such as grant writing, reviewing manuscripts, and professional practice.
Ticketed Events
Ticketed events offer educational opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills. These events are targeted for attendees with a particular level of expertise (e.g., basic, moderate, and/or advanced). Ticketed sessions require an additional payment.
The deadline for these submissions is Friday, February 7, 2025 at 12:00 AM PST, 2:00 AM CST, 3:00 AM EST.
Clinical Intervention Training
One- and two-day events emphasizing the “how-to” of clinical interventions. The extended length allows for exceptional interaction.
Leaders and topics for Institutes are selected from previous ABCT workshop presentations. Institutes are offered as a 5- or 7-hour session on Thursday, and are generally limited to 40 attendees.
Covering concerns of the practitioner/educator/researcher, these remain an anchor of the Convention. Workshops are offered on Friday and Saturday, are 3 hours long, and are generally limited to 60 attendees.
Master Clinician Seminars
The most skilled clinicians explain their methods and show videos of sessions. These 2-hour sessions are offered throughout the Convention and are generally limited to 40 to 45 attendees.
Advanced Methodology and Statistics Seminars
Designed to enhance researchers’ abilities, they are 4 hours long and limited to 40 attendees.