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Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition: Using DBT Skills to End Self-Injury

 MSRP: $16.95  Format: Paperback  Author: Michael Hollander  Category: Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Parenting, Self-Harm and Self Injurious Behavior  Publisher: Guilford Press  Published: 2017  ISBN: 1462527108  ISBN-13: 978-1462527106  Book Site

Discovering that your teen “cuts” is every parent’s nightmare. Your most urgent question is: “How can I make it stop?” Tens of thousands of worried parents have turned to this authoritative guide for information and practical guidance about the growing problem of teen self-injury. Dr. Michael Hollander is a leading expert on dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), the most effective treatment approach for cutting. Vivid stories illustrate how out-of-control emotions lead some teens to hurt themselves, how DBT can help, and what other approaches can be beneficial. You’ll learn practical strategies for talking to teens about self-injury without making it worse, teaching them skills to cope with extreme emotions in a healthier way, finding the right therapist, and helping reduce stress for your whole family. Incorporating the latest research, the second edition offers a deeper understanding of the causes of self-injury and includes new DBT skills.

Editorial Reviews

“A reassuring, well-written resource for parents seeking answers, information, and help for a child who self-injures through cutting. While parents of teens who cut is the intended audience, teachers, health-care practitioners, and parents of teens in general may also benefit from the information and sound advice Hollander presents....Hollander offers practical advice to help parents better understand and communicate more effectively with their child. He clearly explains what is known about cutting behavior, addresses its causes, and identifies effective treatment options.”

—Library Journal (on the first edition)

About the Author(s)

Michael Hollander

Michael Hollander, PhD, a recognized expert in the treatment of self-injury, has worked with adolescents and their families since 1976. He helped to found the 3East DBT program at McLean Hospitalin Belmont, Massachusetts, where he is currently Director of Training...

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