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Gabrielle Ilagan

Gabrielle Ilagan

We study whether daily fluctuations in invalidation are associated with fluctuations in BPD symptoms, and whether identity-related invalidation and self-validation may serve as a risk and protective factors, respectively, for Black and Latinx people with BPD symptoms.

Omar Gudiño

Omar Gudiño

Gudiño directs the Services for At-Risk Youth & Families (SAYF) Lab, which conducts research on patterns of risk and resilience in ethnic minority youth exposed to trauma; the development and dissemination of evidence-based treatments for maltreated youth; and ethnic disparities in unmet need for mental health services

Race-Based Traumatic Stress

Race-Based Traumatic Stress

The effects of race-based traumatic stress are similar to other forms of trauma and adversity. Additionally, the toll from these experiences is cumulative.

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