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Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

Una vez considerado como un problema relativamente raro, el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) es ahora conocido como una forma de trastorno mental común y frecuentemente debilitante.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

Trastornos de Ansiedad

La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

What to Expect From Therapy

In general terms, psychotherapy is a relationship in which one person enlists the professional assistance of another for the purpose of bringing about changes in his or her own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and/or behavior.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo


Trichotillomania, also known as hair pulling disorder (HPD), is a psychiatric illness affecting up to 4% of the population.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

Shyness, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Social Phobia

It is that all-toofamiliar feeling of discomfort, tension, or anxiety that a person may experience when he or she has to interact with other people, or when he or she faces the prospect of doing something in front of others.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo

Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder in which a child or adolescent fails to speak in specific social situations or to specific people (e.g., school, birthday parties, or to familiar adults), despite being able to speak in other situations and to other people (e.g., home, parents, or to peers).

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