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Continuing Education Opportunities
ABCT Annual Convention Continuing Education Credit Information
Ticketed Events require a purchase of a ticket for the session, beyond the general registration fee.
General Sessions do not require additional purchases, and you can get in by having paid the general registration fee.
The vast majority of both Ticketed Events and General Sessions qualify for CE credit.
We do not offer CMEs.
- Attendance at each continuing education session in its entirety is required to receive CE credit.
- No partial credit is awarded; late arrival or early departure will preclude awarding of CE credit.
- For each session eligible for CE, you earn 1 credit per hour of attendance
- Attendees must scan in and out of each session to be eligible for credit.
To Claim CE credit:
Complete a session evaluation for each session attended and the overall convention evaluation by March 1, 2024.
The convention app has an evaluation icon on the bottom left corner. Click on the icon and complete the tasks.
Alternatively, you can use the ABCT website. Go to the 2023 convention page and click on “Convention Schedule.” Navigate to the tile on the bottom of the Schedule Hole Page in your Itinerary Planner called “CE Credit.” In order to login, enter your registration e-mail address and registration confirmation number (found in your registration confirmation e-mail).
Access to the certificates is only available for those attendees who have registered under the licensed professional rates.
Please read through our list of organizations that have approved ABCT as a CE sponsor.
CE Sponsors
Below is a list of organizations that have approved ABCT as a CE sponsor.
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ABCT maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5797. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Marriage and Family Therapy
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies is recognized by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences for Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) to offer continuing education as Provider #4600.
New York State Psychologists
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0124
New York State Social Workers
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Workers as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0657.
Ticketed Events Eligible for CE
All Ticketed Events offer CE in addition to educational opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills.
These events are targeted for attendees with a particular level of expertise (e.g., basic, moderate, and/or advanced). Ticketed Sessions require an additional payment beyond the general registration fee.
Clinical Intervention Training
One- and two-day events emphasizing the “how-to” of clinical interventions. The extended length allows for exceptional interaction. Participants attending a full-day session can earn 7 continuing education credits, and 14 continuing education credits for the two-day session.
Leaders and topics for Institutes are selected from previous ABCT workshop presentations. Institutes are offered as a five- or seven-hour session on Thursday, and are generally limited to 40 attendees. Participants in the full-day Institute can earn 7 continuing education credits, and in the half-day Institutes can earn 5 continuing education credits.
Covering concerns of the practitioner/educator/researcher, these remain an anchor of the Convention. Workshops are offered on Friday and Saturday, are three hours long, and are generally limited to 60 attendees. Participants in these Workshops can earn 3 continuing education credits per workshop.
Master Clinician Seminars (MCS)
he most skilled clinicians explain their methods and show videos of sessions. These two-hour sessions are offered throughout the Convention and are generally limited to 40 to 45 attendees. Participants in these seminars can earn 2 continuing education credits per seminar.
Advanced Methodology and Statistics Seminars (AMASS)
Designed to enhance researchers’ abilities, there are generally two seminars offered on Thursday or during the course of the Convention. They are four hours long and limited to 40 attendees. Participants in these courses can earn 4 continuing education credits per seminar.
General Sessions Eligible for CE
There are more than 200 general sessions each year competing for your attention. All general sessions are included with the registration fee.
Most of the sessions are eligible for CE, with the exception of the poster sessions, Membership Panel Discussions, Special Interest Group Meetings (SIG), and a few other sessions (as indicated in the electronic program flipbook and PDF).
Clinical Grand Rounds
Experienced clinicians give simulated live demonstrations of therapy. Clients may be portrayed by graduate students working with the presenter or specializing in the problem area to be treated.
Individual Oral Paper
For the ABCT 2025 annual convention, we will be piloting a new submission type — individual oral paper presentations. Members are encouraged to submit abstracts to present oral paper presentations that highlight their best work aligned with ABCT’s values and mission – promoting rigorous cognitive behavioral research and practice. Individual paper presentations should be approximately 12 minutes each. Individual paper abstracts should be no more than 2800 characters. Presentations will be grouped together (7 abstracts) for sessions lasting 120 minutes. One of the presenters being designated as the “chair” to help facilitate. Based on ratings provided by independent reviewers, the highest rank abstracts will be selected and grouped based on session theme. The intention of this new format is to increase visibility of scientifically rigorous, impactful work, to increase likelihood for individuals to present their best work at ABCT, regardless of needing to find others to group together in a symposium.
Invited Panels and Addresses
Speakers who are well-established in their field, or who hold positions of particular importance, share their unique insights and knowledge on a broad topic of interest.
Designed to address direct clinical care or training at a broad introductory level, and are 90 minutes long. Mini-workshops are offered on Friday and Saturday and are generally limited to 80 attendees. Participants can earn 1.5 continuing education credits.
Panel Discussion
Discussions (or debates) by a range of informed individuals (e.g., researchers, clinicians, community stakeholders, consumers) on a current important topic that is conceptual in nature, rather than pertaining directly to clinical care. Examples of topics for panel discussions include (but are not limited to): supervision/training issues, ethical considerations in treatment or training, the use of technology in treatment, cultural considerations in the application of CBTs, among others.
Some topics may be appropriate for either Clinical Round Tables or Panel Discussions, and authors are invited to use their judgement in making this decision. These are organized by a moderator and include between three and five panelists with a range of experiences and attitudes. The total number of speakers may not exceed seven.
Clinical Round Tables
Discussions (or debates) by a range of informed individuals (e.g., researchers, clinicians, community stakeholders, consumers, persons with lived experience of mental illness) on an important topic directly related to patient care, treatment, and/or the application/implementation of a treatment. Examples of topics for Clinical Round Tables include (but are not limited to): challenges/suggestions for treating a certain disorder or group of patients, application of a treatment protocol or type of treatment to a novel population, considerations in applying CBTs to marginalized communities and/or minority groups, discussions about the implementation/application of research findings into clinical/community settings.
Some topics may be appropriate for either Clinical Round Tables or Panel Discussions, and authors are invited to use their judgement in making this decision. Clinical Round Tables are organized by a moderator and include between three and six panelists with a range of experiences and attitudes. The total number of speakers may not exceed seven.
Spotlight Research Presentations
This format provides a forum to debut new findings considered to be groundbreaking or innovative for the field. A limited number of extended-format sessions consisting of a 45-minute research presentation and a 15-minute question-and-answer period allows for more in-depth presentation than is permitted by symposia or other formats.
Symposia consist of a group of empirical research presentations on etiology, mechanisms of change, prevention, treatment efficacy, treatment effectiveness, dissemination and implementation, among other topics. Symposia are either 60 or 90 minutes in length. They have one or two chairs, one discussant, and between three and five talks. The total number of speakers may not exceed eight.
**Symposia are strongly encouraged to include a full range of career levels and expertise. This policy is not intended to discourage junior researchers/faculty and graduate students to present, but rather to encourage the presence of senior researchers/faculty first-author presentations in conjunction with junior researchers/faculty and graduate student presentations.
General Sessions NOT Eligible for CE
Membership Panel Discussion
Organized by representatives of the Membership Committee and Student Membership Committees, these events generally emphasize training or career development.
Poster Sessions
One-on-one discussions between presenters, who display graphic representations of the results of their studies, and interested attendees. Because of the variety of interests and research areas of the ABCT attendees, between 1,200 and 1,400 posters are presented each year.
Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings
More than 39 SIGs meet each year to accomplish business (such as electing officers), renew relationships, and often offer presentations. SIG talks are not peer-reviewed by the Association.
Special Sessions
These events are designed to provide useful information regarding professional rather than scientific issues. For more than 20 years the Internship and Postdoctoral Overviews have helped attendees find their educational path. Other special sessions often include expert panels on getting into graduate school, career development, information on grant applications, and a meeting of the Directors of Clinical Training.
Other Sessions
Other sessions not eligible for CE are noted as such in the electronic program flipbook and PDF.
CE Grievance Policy
Although ABCT goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be occasional issues which come to the attention of the convention staff which require intervention and/or action on the part of the convention staff or an officer of ABCT. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
All grievances must be filed in writing to ensure a clear explanation of the problem.
If the grievance concerns satisfaction with a CE session the Convention Manager shall determine whether a full or partial refund (either in money or credit for a future CE event) is warranted. If the complainant is not satisfied, their materials will be forwarded to the Coordinator of Convention and Continuing Education Issues for a final decision.
If the grievance concerns a speaker and particular materials presented, the Convention Manager shall bring the issue to the Coordinator of Convention and Continuing Education Issues who may consult with the members of the continuing education issues committees. The Coordinator will formulate a response to the complaint and recommend action if necessary, which will be conveyed directly to the complainant. For example, a grievance concerning a speaker may be conveyed to that speaker and also to those planning future educational programs.
Records of all grievances, the process of resolving the grievance and the outcome will be kept in the files of the Convention Manager.
A copy of this Grievance Procedure will be available upon request.
If you have a complaint, please contact Stephen R. Crane, Convention Manager, at or (212) 646-1890 for assistance.