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Orgasmic Reorientation
Once upon a time, both Leviticus and DSM considered homosexuality an affliction to be cured. Today, people still occasionally quote Leviticus (skipping over the parts on shaving, shellfish, and mixed fabrics), but psychology is virtually unanimous in its acceptance of homosexuality.
In the 60s and 70s, the debate on homosexuality was only just beginning, and Jerry Davison, one of CBT’s pioneers, took a controversial stand, calling aversion therapy, the tool most often used in trying to alter a person’s sexuality, immoral when used with homosexuals.
How he came to this position is fascinating, and provides a window into a debate that has ramifications for millions of people. For many of us today, its seems perfectly natural; it’s easy to miss just how radical, and how courageous, such a position was forty years ago.
Listen to more of this story told in a way that draws us in further with every twist.