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Clinical Resources


ABCT is committed towards the dissemination of behavioral and cognitive therapies. Please take advantage of the growing number of helpful resources on this page.

Meet Our Featured Therapist

Joel Minden<div></div> Joel Minden
- Joel Minden, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depression at the Chico Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

In This Section

Primer on Telehealth

Kate Morrison, PhD, is a psychologist based out of Salt Lake City, Utah where she runs a telehealth private practice specializing in anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and related disorders.

Join the Find a Therapist Directory

Become a member of ABCT and add yourself to the Find a CBT Therapist Directory, ABCT's listing of local clinicians.


Self Help Books

Are you an author that needs to get your publication listed? Consider submitting your book to ABCT's Self Help Books database.

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Training in Evidence Based Behavioral Practice

Training resources to help bridge the gap between behavioral health research and practice. Professionals from the major health disciplines are collaborating to learn, teach, and implement evidence-based behavioral practice (EBBP).




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