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Data Collection Tools
Behavioral Coding Systems
- Please send links to your behavior coding system to Steven Bruce, Ph.D.
Data Collection Software Packages
Experience Sampling Methods
Observational equipment
- Please send links to descriptions of equipment to Steven Bruce, Ph.D.
Psychophysiological equipment
- Please send links to descriptions of equipment to Steven Bruce, Ph.D.
Questionnaire and Interview Resources
- ASEBA: Achenbach System of Empirically-Based Assessment (e.g., CBCL)
- Behavioral Approach System (BAS) / Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) Scales
- Buros Center for Testing
- COPE Inventory
- Educational Testing Service’s (ETS) database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices
- Clearinghouse on assessment and evaluation
- K-SADS online
- Tips on telephone sampling (from U.C. Berkeley’s Survey Research Center)
- DASS Scale