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Teaching Resources


In This Section

The principles and techniques behind cognitive and behavioral therapies provide a fertile ground for instruction. ABCT’s Academic Training and Education Standards Committee encourages both ABCT members and nonmembers in the role of educators are encouraged to take advantage of CBT teaching resources below.

ABCT is constantly evaluating how to best serve the teaching community. Please take advantage of the growing number of helpful resources for teachers listed below.

Online Teaching Primer

Dan Beck walks you through the steps to allow you to do online teaching.

Teaching Exercises, Demos & Assignments

Please take advantage of ABCT's catalogue of psychology course exercises, demonstrations, and assignments related to the teaching of CBT.

Medical Education Resources Directory

In particular, the educators on this list have been involved in providing education in CBT and/or the theories underlying such interventions to medical and other allied health trainees at various levels.


ABCT's catalogue of slides includes talks from various professional symposia, departmental colloquia, as well as graduate course materials.


Please take advantage of ABCT's catalogue of psychology course syllabi listed under the various curriculum areas below.


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