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For Students
Learn how ABCT can benefit you early in your career
Ways to get involved and learn from the experts
Connect with mentors, colleagues, and other students by becoming a student member. ABCT will help you take the first step in creating a professional home for every future stage of your career.
Getting Into Graduate School
Samantha Mosier provides insights into applying for graduate schools, explaining the differences in PhD and PsyD programs, and giving us a cornucopia of tools and tricks to help you.
Graduate Student Research Grant Submissions
Learn more about the Gradute Student Research Grant and how to apply on ABCT's Awards page.
Getting More Involved in ABCT
There are numerous ways that students and early career psychologists can become involved in ABCT.
Convention Information for Students
The annual ABCT convention is certainly not just for established professionals.
Graduate Mentorship Directory
The Graduate Mentorship Directory is intended to provide students with an opportunity to learn which individual ABCT members regularly mentor students in their respective graduate programs.
Is Psy.D. the Degree for You?
ABCT member Dr. Hilary Vidair discusses the path towards and factors to consider when pursuing the Psy.D. degree.
Navigating Graduate School with Sexual or Gender Minority Identities and Interests
The aim of this panel is to provide current and prospective students who identify as members of the sexual and gender minority (SGM) community with a resource on considerations for navigating graduate school in a way that aligns with their values and goals.
Internship Process
Video discussion about internship events at an ABCT Convention.
Postdocs & Jobs
ABCT has several resources available to help navigate the search for postdoctoral fellowships and jobs.
Administrative Leadership in Psychology
ABCT speaks with Dr. Jeanette Hsu (VA Palo Alto Health Care System), Dr. Simon Rego (Montefiore Medical Center), and Dr. Paula Schnurr (National Center for PTSD) about their administrative leadership roles.
Nominate a Mentor
The ABCT Academic Training and Education Standards committee annually solicits nominations for the “Spotlight on a Mentor” recognition to highlight the diversity of excellent mentors within the membership ranks of ABCT.
Slang Dictionary
A helpful collection of slang and jargon from ABCT and the CBT profession.
Featured Articles for Students
Curated articles from across for students.
The Postbaccalaureate Work Experience Before Mental Health Graduate Training - This webisode addresses frequently asked questions such as “when is it important to pursue a post-baccalaureate position” and “what type of positions are most appropriate for my career goals?
A Discussion of Mentors - Andres De Los Reyes discusses mentors from the broadest perspective, with lots of specific examples reinforcing his thrusts.
Featured Mentor
Anu Asnaani - Dr. Asnaani is a licensed Clinical Psychologist who currently is the Principal Investigator of the Treatment Mechanisms, Community Empowerment, and Technology Innovations (TCT) laboratory and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT.
Get Involved
There are many opportunities for students to get involved in ABCT. From Special Interest Group participation, to membership, to Annual Convention activities, we have plenty to choose from.
Featured Lab
The Treatment Mechanisms, Community Empowerment, and Technology Innovations (TCT) Lab - The Treatment Mechanisms, Community Empowerment, and Technology Innovations (TCT) Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at University of Utah, is directed by Anu Asnaani, Ph.D.