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Graduate Student Research Grant Winners
Past winners of ABCT’s Graduate Student Research Grant.
Learn more about the Research Faciliation Committee.
Ryan J. Jacoby
“A Translational Study of the Mechanisms of Exposure Therapy for Obsessions: Fear Tolerance vs. Habituation”
Lauren Forrest
“Examining Objective Interoception as a Novel Prospective Predictor of Self-Injurious Behaviors”
Honorable mentions:
- Casey May, “Reward Processing and Decision-Making in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” & Rebecca Cox, “Sleep Restriction and OC Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Inhibition”
Laurel D. Sarfan
“Using the Approach Avoid Task: Testing the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Experiential Avoidance and Social Anxiety Symptoms”
Honorable mentions:
- Daniel P. Moriarity, “Reward Processing and Decision-Making in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)”
- Rebecca Cox, “Sleep Restriction and OC Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Inhibition”
Kelsey Pritchard
“Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders: Contextual, Biological, and Social Processes”
Honorable mentions:
- Christina L. Verzijl
Gabrielle Ilagan
“Invalidation, Identity-Related Minority Stressors, and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms in the Flow of Daily Life”
Honorable mentions:
- Kiran Kaur, “Identifying the Role of Emotion Regulation Flexibility in the Association Between Acculturative Stress and Anxiety Symptomatology to Develop an Ecological Momentary Intervention”
Emily Bibby
“A Video-Based Single-Session Intervention for Emerging Adults Coping with a Breakup”
Honorable mentions:
- Kendall Poovey, “Investigating Gastrointestinal Interoception in the Maintenance of Restrictive Eating Disorders”
Timothy Ritzert
“Transforming Fear: The Impact of Brief Values-Based Interventions on Approach Behavior in a Spider-Fearful Sample”
Hannah Lawrence
“Physiological and Affective Correlates of Visual and Verbal Rumination in Adolescence”
Honorable mentions:
- Amanda Sanchez, “Cultural, Attitudinal and Stress-Related Barriers to Engagement with Internet-Delivered Services in Traditionally Underserved Children”
Colin M. Bosma
“Individual Differences and Ecological Validity of Emotion Regulation in Response to Sadness”
Honorable mentions:
- Shirley Wang, “Computational Modeling of Decision-Making Biases Associated with Restrictive Eating”
Quyen A. Do
“Intimate Partner Violence among Sexual Minorities in Consensual Non-Monogamous Relationships”
Honorable mentions:
- Kathryn Coniglio
Alexa Raudales
“Opioid Use and Acute Suicide Risk: The Real-Time Influence of Trauma Context”
Honorable mentions:
- Mallory Cannon, “Examination of Fear Extinction in Chronic Cannabis Use, Anxiety Disorders, and their Co-occurrence”
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