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Cognitive and Behavioral Practice Journal
ABCT is pleased to offer access to Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
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Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, published four times a year, is an international scholarly journal with the primary mission of dissemination: to bridge the gap between clinical research and practice of cognitive and behavioral therapies.
C&BP values diversity, equity, and inclusion in science and welcomes submissions on topics that impact BIPOC communities and scholars. The journal is for practicing mental health clinicians and instructors, as well as for researchers with an interest in the clinical dissemination of their findings.
Editor: Nikolaos Kazantzis
Direct links to Journal website for information on:
- Copyright Transfer
- Table of Contents for the Current Volume
- Instructions for Authors
- Submitting an Article
- Customer Support for Authors & Reviewers
For information regarding reprints, back issues, copyrights, permissions, or general questions regarding your subscription please email Rachel Lamb.
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